New Ambulance at PGINew Ambulance at PGIPatient being helped by the attendantAttendant Feeding the PatientLifeline Ambulance at Advanced Trauma Center, PGIPatient being taken to Emergency from ambulanceAttendee helping the PatientAttendee Helping the PatientAmbulance Drivers in Lifeline UniformAmbulance Drivers in Lifeline UniformAttendants at Lifeline Helping the helplessAttendants at Lifeline helping the unattended PatientsAttendants at Lifeline helping the unattended PatientsAttendants at Lifeline helping the unattended PatientsAttendants at Lifeline helping the unattended PatientsAttendants at Lifeline helping the unattended PatientsAttendants at Lifeline helping the unattended PatientsAttendants at Lifeline helping the unattended PatientsFleet of Ambulances at Lifeline Regd.